As an important and well-known company, we offer you a broad portfolio of employee training courses.
We are your experienced and international training partner. No matter whether storage of hazardous substances (TRGS), process optimisation, hazardous goods logistics, labelling and packaging – we train your employees competently.
We are your experienced and international training partner. No matter whether storage of hazardous substances (TRGS), process optimisation, hazardous goods logistics, labelling and packaging – we train your employees competently.
Here you can find our current seminars
All information about the red wine town of Ingelheim,
overnight accommodations and journey as well as
events in the surrounding area can be found here.
Title | Date | Start Time | Duration | Register |
Zusammenfassung der CLP-Revision - Was steht nun alles bevor?
Am 20.11.2024 wurde mit der Verordnung (EU) 2024/2865 die Revision der CLP-Verordnung im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht und tritt somit am 10. Dezember 2024 in Kraft. Das Webinar soll eine Zusammenfassung darüber geben welche Auswirkungen und Änderungen die CLP-Revision für Hersteller und Inverkehrbringer von Chemikalien mit sich bringt. Zudem soll es Ihnen einen guten Überblick über die bevorstehenden Fristen und Handlungsbedarfe geben. Referentin: Lisa Kaiser kostenfrei | 20.2.2025 | 10:00 CET | 30 minutes | Register |
Globale Stoffregistrierungen: Einführung in bestehende und bevorstehende Vorschriften zur Registrierung von Chemikalien weltweit
Globale Chemikalienregulierung: Regelungen, Fristen und Mengenbänder im Überblick Der weltweite Handel mit Chemikalien bringt Unternehmen immer komplexere regulatorische Anforderungen. Neue REACH ähnliche Regelungen, von Lateinamerika bis in den asiatischen Raum, erfordern das Einhalten einer Vielzahl von Registrierungsfristen. Unser Seminar bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick über registrierungspflichtige Mengenbänder sowie die dazugehörigen aktuellen und geplanten Registrierungsfristen im Rahmen von REACH ähnlichen Regelungen weltweit, von Ukraine REACH über UK REACH, aktuellen Entwicklungen in Lateinamerika bis hin zu REACH ähnlichen Vorschriften in Asien. Referent: Daniel Ohm Preis: 145 € | 27.3.2025 | 10:00 CET | 1.5 hours | Register |
“My colleagues and I were enthusiastic about the practical relevance and the approach of the GBK seminar. Therefore we will include the contents of this seminar in our future training program.”
Berthold Wichterich
Shipping Manager / Stabilus GmbH
GBK GmbH is established on the market as an important and well-known company. An essential element is the organisation of instructions, training courses and conferences in the areas of chemicals legislation, handling hazardous substances and the transport of hazardous goods.
A wide range of training courses is offered by experts from all over the world.
All our speakers are experienced experts in their field. Training is always based on the latest knowledge. For this reason, many well-known companies rely on the competence and high quality of our courses and seminars.
GBK GmbH is established on the market as an important and well-known company. An essential element is the organisation of instructions, training courses and conferences in the areas of chemicals legislation, handling hazardous substances and the transport of hazardous goods.
A wide range of training courses is offered by experts from all over the world.
All our speakers are experienced experts in their field. Training is always based on the latest knowledge. For this reason, many well-known companies rely on the competence and high quality of our courses and seminars.
Our company is certified
by ISO 9001
Your international training partner
VDSI seminar points:
With our seminars we can also award VDSI points! These points are necessary to be able to prove the topicality of his specialist knowledge.